You remember all of those prices, inflated by the scourges of the internet, and you worry that Apple is also vulnerable. Sure, it is not the best, but still it offers so much more. Turning it around reveals one of its major advantages.
The Mac Mini, smallest of the new Macs, the one that everyone forgets about. A sleek, gray box, with the black bitten apple symbol on top. You begin to consider your option, but then something else catches your eye.
The Macbook’s, both Pro and Air that reign supreme over the laptop world. The colorful iMac, with an integrated display, thinner than a sheet of paper. However, my dear traveller, you have to choose your computer. The cursor, your starship begins to land on the Mac button, which leads you to your destination. However, your mission is to locate the Macs, which is the computer division of this massive company. One can gaze at the AirPods and the iPhones and be hypnotized, buying into the entire ecosystem instantly.
You arrive at a strange website, full of renders that try to get you to become a capitalist, to give them all of your money. You gaze into the white light of the search engine, and with one tiny click of your broken trackpad, you enter the devil’s domain. You are willing to sacrifice your morals and sanity for friendship. Your friends warn you about the cost of these machines and their poor performance, how MacOS is impossible to use, but you ignore them. A side coated in aluminum housing, with little upgradability and prices higher than many mountains. You wail and scream, cursing the people responsible. You close down all tabs on your search engine, and begin to cry, as your old Thinkpad isn’t able to replace the beast of a gaming rig that you could have. They also do this with gaming consoles, so good luck trying to get a PS5. The other group is scalpers, who, seeing that graphics cards are in high demand, buy up lots of them to resell to you at a higher price. These guys will stop at nothing to get some fake coins, so they can spend their lives in riches (if you can’t tell there’s a massive asterisk above the riches). Currently, crypto coins such as Bitcoin or the more common to mine Ethereum are very valuable, making for a good investment opportunity (for the time being). Miners, or specifically cryptocurrency miners are buying up graphics cards, both new and old to use to mine cryptocurrency. Sadly, due to this shortage, two groups have emerged that are determined to make you suffer. But wait, you don’t need the newest specs, right? Older machines are still good enough to run AAA games, just at lower settings. How did this happen? Well, manufacturers made a wrong estimate of how many graphics cards or processors people would buy, and now they can’t keep up with the demand the lockdown has created. No worries! You open up EPurchase to find that certain components have gone up in price drastically, most noticeably graphics cards and processors. But then you look at the price of a prebuilt, and think you can do better. The more powerful systems use AMD Ryzen chips, as let’s be honest, Intel is on its deathbed. Your friends urge you to buy a PC, and so you check your local SuperBuy. Well, you can hang out by using communication apps like Discord, and playing video games. Typing on your old Thinkpad, trying to escape finishing that algebra assignment you sit and ponder about what it would be like to live a normal life and hang out with all of your friends. The pandemic is still going on, although things are going back to normal, but still you feel the effects of the lockdown upon you.